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Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee & Crime Watch Captain George Zimmerman: Partners for Life

George Zimmerman was like a vampire hunting for blood to survive and when he sat out on his hunt that fatal night there was no turning back. So when the 911 operator ask him if he was following Trayvon Martin, he answered “YEA!” and even after the operator responded with “we don’t need you to do that” Zimmerman had already locked his eyes on Martin and like a hunter spotting a deer, Zimmerman chased in hot pursuit.

George Zimmerman did not stop until he had the smell of blood on his body and Trayvon Martin’s blood on his hands and even as Martin lay on the ground with a bullet [that would ultimately take his life] in his stomach that wasn’t enough for Zimmerman.

He then placed his hands on Martin’s back and press and press until Martin took his last breath. Why would Zimmerman do that? He knew that the dead can’t talk and no one would dispute his claim of self-defense.

What he didn’t count on was his neighbors stepping front and center and telling the news reporters that they witnessed someone on their knees, straddling Martin and pressing on his back as if to give Martin ‘’C.P.R..”

Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee is defending Zimmerman so hard you would think that Zimmerman hired him to be his personal counsel. Chief Lee goes on to say:

Mr. Zimmerman was not acting outside the legal boundaries of Florida Statue by carrying his weapon when this incident occurred. Chief Lee further states that, “Zimmerman was in fact on a personal errand in his vehicle when he observed Mr. Martin in his community and called the Sanford Police Department.

Why does Sanford Police Chief Lee continue to get ensnared in his web of deceit, you have to momentarily stop and probe into what is really going on between Zimmerman and Chief Lee?

So you mean to tell me that if I was on my way to run a personal errand that I would stop, call 911 and pursue a total stranger through the complex.

Chief Lee goes on to say that Zimmerman had a permit to carry a weapon. According to his latest response, he is essentially saying as long as you claim self-defense and have a permit to carry a weapon, you can shoot and kill someone and just walk away. Don’t worry, you will not be charged nor will he take you to the police station to give a written statement.

Questions left unanswered:

Where is the gun that shot Trayvon Martin?

What happened to Trayvon Martin’s cell phone?

Where are the clothes that George Zimmerman had on that night?

Did Zimmerman call the Sanford police after he shot Martin and what if anything was he instructed to do?

How many witnesses did the police interview that night?

How many injuries or deaths occurred and are classified under The Stand Your Ground Law?

What is the real connection between Bill Lee and George Zimmerman?

Did the Sanford Police Department secure the scene of the crime and order that crime-scene pictures be obtained as evidence because a life was taken?

Did the Sanford Police Chief order investigators to go from door to door in an effort to seek witnesses?

Why was Trayvon Martin’s body found face down?

Did the bullet enter Martin’s body from the front or back and did he sustain other injuries to his person?

Upon returning to the precinct after the shooting, did Sanford Police make a report as to the alleged facts on February 26, 2012?

How many times has the Sanford Police contact Zimmerman and visa-versa after the shooting of Trayvon Martin?

Will The Department of Justice also investigate the Sanford Police Department?

Is Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee well versed in The Stand Your Ground Law?

Will the people call for the resignation of Sanford Chief Bill Lee?

Has the family requested a medical report to be analyzed by Martin’s family legal counsel?

March 21, 2012 - Posted by | Eye on Justice | , , ,

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  1. I will bookmark this internet page

    Comment by news | March 22, 2012 | Reply

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